Many high-quality binding solutions are available to consumers nowadays, from the time-tested traditional methods to innovatively designed new styles. Finding the right binding machine and supplies for your specific requirement can be quite challenging. Out of all traditional binding styles, wire binding is one of the most secure and durable options.   

Understanding the Method 

Wire binding makes use of twin loop wires for the creation of bound books that are strong as well as secure. 3:1 pitch (three holes per inch) and 2:1 pitch (two holes per inch) are the two distinct punch patterns used in this type of binding. The 2:1 pitch pattern comprises of rectangular holes, and is suitable for larger documents. On the other hand, the 3:1 pitch pattern is made up of square holes, and is used for smaller documents with less than 120 pages. The holes are punched manually or using an electric punch, depending on the binding volume. Once the pages are punched appropriately, the next task is to align the holes in the document with the wire prongs and insert them. Finally, a wire closer is used to secure the document by bending the prongs gently into a closed position.   

Wire Binding Machines 

Document punching and closing the binding wire are the two individual processes in wire binding. Both these processes can be accomplished using either electric or manual machines. However, electric wire closers are not as common as their manual counterparts, and are used only for high volume production. Most of the wire binding machines are capable of punching as well as closing. Some stand-alone units, however, can only punch or close.   

Please note that there are a number of factors to take into account while looking for machines capable of punching with or without an inserter. Most of the wire binding machines can punch only a single pitch. This means that you will have to determine the number of pages in your document and select the pitch that corresponds to the size. The 3:1 pitch pattern is used for binding documents with 20 to 120 pages. If you document has 110 to 260 pages, the 2:1 pitch pattern will be used for binding. A multi-function binding machine can be used for binding a range of document sizes.    

Another important decision for you is to choose between manual and electric wire binding machines. This decision will have a serious impact on the speed at which you will be able to bind your documents.  If you want to complete the job quickly, you need an electric punch. Some punches are only capable of punching letter-sized paper, while some others can handle larger paper sizes. In general, the punch capacity of wire binding machines ranges between 6 and 25 sheets. Some machines are equipped with a special feature for selective disengagement of punching pins. This allows users to punch specialty paper or non-standard paper sizes. Adjustable depth margin is another excellent feature available in many machines. 

At RENZ Australia, we have a stunning selection of the most advanced binding machines to suit your specific requirements. Please contact our experts today to discuss your binding needs.